
Ben and Gertrude with friends, 1982
Ben and Gertrude with Eric Wallace, summer of 1982
Ben (right) with Frank Boyle and Professor Al Rubin, 1983
Ben (right) with Peter Weiss, 1983
Ben on television, 1983
Ben at the United Restitution Organization in Frankfurt, 1984
Ben (left), 1985
Ben (right) with Ved Nanda and John Hazard at WPLC Conference in Berlin, 1985
Harris Schenberg, Phil Lax, Robert Muller, and Ben (middle right) posing with "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace" at the United Nations, October 1986
Ben by the East River, fall 1987
Ben going to work at the United Nations, fall 1987
Ben and Gertrude with a friend at Yosemite, September 1987
Ben and Gertrude at Yosemite, September 1987
Ben and Gertrude with friends, spring 1988
Ben sweeping, spring 1988
Space Peace Demonstration, January 28, 1989
Ben and Gertrude at the Harvard Club in New York, September 1989
Community newspaper, September 1989
Gertrude (right) at a Pro-Choice March in Boca Raton, September 1989